The significant trend change of parents mind about vaccination was happen. A number of parents who refuse to give vaccination for their kids were increase involved high-income and college-educated families.
"There's a big battle going on between parents who was want to vaccinate but want to do it more slowly and doctors who are offering only the all-or-nothing vaccine schedule," says Robert W. Sears, M. D., FAAP, author of The Vaccine Book as quoted in Children’s Health Magazine. "I believe that this hard-line approach is partly responsible for our declining vaccination rates." The Southern California-based doctor has worked for the past 10 years to create alternative schedules for parents who are concerned about overloading their children with too many chemical-laden vaccines at once.
Based on the facts above, Sears make rating system of vaccination due to their importance for child’s life. By this way, parents can decide what vaccine should be given to their children.
The system will help parents determine which vaccines are truly important; Sears devised a three-tiered system based on risk of infection and severity of disease.
DTaP: Combined diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis Rota Rotavirus PCV: Pneumococcal disease Hib: Haemophilus influenza type b
Hep B: Hepatitis B MMR: Measles, mumps, rubella Meningococcal: Meningococcal disease (MCV4) Polio Polio: (the vaccine is also known as IPV and OPV) HPV: Human papillomavirus (for girls)
Influenza Influenza: (flu) Varicella: Varicella, also known as chicken pox Hep A: Hepatitis A
This guidance may suitable for American but can be different for every country depends on their health status and kinds of diseases there.