Working at home is dream of many mothers in the world. By working at home we can still get own income while take care family members completely. Especially for children, let them grow in our hands often more successful than hire a nanny. That is also more proudly. Choosing a way to
earning money at home is not simple way. But it is not impossible to realize. Explore your potential. Studied what do you like and what you expert within. Start as soon as chance comes. Many mothers choose to be entrepreneur. They use their skill to produce something. With still concern with market target we can make hand made like toys, blankets, dolls, and mom and kids accessories. Beside that,
chattering, birthday cake or other food products also good choice. I don’t have skill at all! some mothers blame herself. They feel that they can’t do anything to get own income. Moms, everyone is unique. They have each positive side involved women and house wife. We have skills but sometime we are not aware so never optimize that. No reason to give up before fighting. Of course you all have known who is
J.K Rawling. Before writing best seller books Harry Potter, she was a house wife. She uses her imagination and skill to produce a masterpiece. Is that amazing isn’t it? But writing and publish a book is not easy way. We have to offer ours to publisher and of course our nook should be qualified. Don’t worry mom! If you like to write now there is an alternative. Ya, blogging. Many people include mothers do
blogging by today. They do it as hobby and also to earning money. Even more, some of them
get millions dollars from blogging. Most of blogger get money from advertisement whis is placed in their site or blog. We will get money when our visitors click the advertisement like in
Google Adsense. This program called
Pay Per Click. More visitors come and clicking means more income for us. So we can conclude here that your income is depending on the visitors who come and click. Amount of our visitor called as
traffic. Getting many visitors in our site is not easy. We need hard effort to do and I still do it with my blog. I get some tips to share with you:
1. Give full appreciation to our visitors. They are like a guest in our home. Serve them in a good manner. Use simple words which are easy to be understood. It will very helpful for visitor from different language with our blogb because they use translation machine like Google translate.
2. Give more to the visitors. Eye catching designed blog with very valuable content of course can make visitors “fall in love” with our blog. You can also give “love link” to them
3. Active in a forum. Make a good relation with other blogger because we can visit blog each other. Give an answer and visit back thei blog when they give comment in our article.
4. To be
expert in Searh Engine Optimization. If you are a master in SEO, inviting visitor is not difficult thing.
5. Be discipline. Try to write at least one posting a day. Give always update information to the visitors.
Those are my tips. I hope that will be useful for you. Good luck and always beware that making money from real or online businesses of course have challenging. Keep on spirit and never give up is the keyword.
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